membakar hati bahasa Inggris
- membakar: baking; blaze up; blazed up; blazing up; burn;
- hati: heart; liver; the heart of; centre; mind; sum;
- membakar: baking; blaze up; blazed up; blazing up; burn; burned; burning; burnt; commit to the flames; commited to the flames; commiting to the flames; eat; eaten; inflame; nettling; sear; seared; searing; se
- membakar (kuih: bake
- membakar (luka): cauterize; cauterized; cauterizing
- membakar (memasak): baking
- membakar habis: burn out
- membakar hangus: char
- membakar kue: bake; baked
- membakar mayat: crematory
- membakar yudas: burning of judas
- membakar(mayat): cremate; cremated; cremating
- hati: heart; liver; the heart of; centre; mind; sum; emotions; pith; heart and soul; heart suit; interior; substance; core; bosom; meat; nub; tertiary syphilis; marrow; center; spirit; mettle; inwardness;
- api yang membakar: burning fires
- kejahatan membakar kekayaan: incendiarism; arsonry; arson
- It should burn in our heart, not on our lips.
Ini bisa membakar hati kita, juga di bibir. - Third part includes the phenomenon of the divine voice, commanding the prophet to go and "verb burn the hearts of people."
bagian ketiga termasuk fenomena suara ilahi, memerintahkan nabi untuk pergi dan "verb membakar hati orang-orang." - Your imagination will inflame, but so will your frustration, never knowing, only guessing what could possibly be inside that box?
Imajinasimu akan membakar hati, seperti itu jugakah dengan rasa frustrasimu, tidak mengetahui, cuma menebak apa kemungkinan yang ada di dalamnya?